How A New Roof Can Protect Your Home From Water Infiltration
Posted on: 28 August 2020
Most residential roofs last for at least 20 years, and some can last for more than 40 years. With so much time between roofing installations, each new roof has the potential to better protect a home from the weather. If your current asphalt shingle roof was installed more than 20 years ago, you may see benefits from installing a new roof that go beyond replacing worn-out materials with new but otherwise identical materials. Here are three ways that a new roof can better protect your home from water infiltration than your old roof ever did.
New Membrane Materials
Roof membranes are installed between the plywood decking that covers the attic the shingles themselves. Old membranes were made from felt that was saturated with asphalt. These membranes were moderately resistant to water, but they were also prone to damage from rot if water did manage to seep into them. They could also be damaged by UV radiation or be torn easily during roof installation and maintenance. Now, many roofers install synthetic membranes instead of felt membranes. These membranes typically have UV-resistant coatings and are completely waterproof, too. With a new membrane installed across your roof, you can enjoy enhanced water protection for decades to come.
New Drip Edge Installation
Sometimes, residential building codes don't keep up with roofing advancements. Whether your roof is a couple of decades old or relatively recently installed, you may not have a drip edge installed around the roof edge. While drip edges still aren't required by code, they offer enhanced water protection to any roof. Drip edges are molded to channel water away from the roof and the house. They are attached to the roof decking and cover the edge of the underlayment. If you struggle with water infiltration from ice dams in the winter or water infiltration along the edges of your roof at any time of year, your home would likely benefit from the installation of drip edges.
Thicker Modern Shingles
Although asphalt shingles have been used on residential roofs since the early 1900s, they are still improving today. Many homeowners choose asphalt shingles because they are durable, inexpensive to purchase and install, and attractive. New shingles have some benefits over old shingles. Many modern shingles are thicker than older shingles, which grants them extra durability, wind resistance, and water resistance. Some modern shingles are also treated with a UV-resistant coating, which helps them stay flexible and prevents them from curling up and allowing water to infiltrate the roof. You can expect modern shingles to look attractive and protect your roof from the weather for decades.
To learn more about modern residential roofing, contact roofers in your area.