How Much Does A New Roof Cost?
Posted on:
29 October 2020
Roofs can last a really long time. Depending on the material, they can last anywhere from a couple decades to a couple centuries. But every roof will eventually need to be replaced at some point, and it's up to the homeowner to determine which type of roofing material is right for their home and their budget.
But how much should you plan to spend during this process? While the cost of roofs can vary from home to home, there are a few significant costs that are associated with every residential roof replacement that should help you get a rough ballpark of what you will have to pay.
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Is It Time For A New Roof?
Posted on:
26 October 2020
Most modern roofs last anywhere from 20 to 30 years (or more, depending on the material), so making the decision to install a new roof on your home should be one you only make a few times in your life. That being said, there are several reasons why you may decide to install a new roof, ranging from necessity to simply a desire to upgrade. Below are some of the most common reasons; if any of them apply to you, contact a roofing company to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.
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Helpful Tips To Ensure Your Asphalt Shingle Roof Looks Great
Posted on:
19 October 2020
Not only are asphalt shingle roofs affordable, but they can also be quite attractive. If you want to make sure that your new asphalt shingle roof looks great, you'll want to follow the advice below.
Ensure Necessary Deck Work Is Done
When you think about a "deck" you might think about something similar to a porch. However, a roof deck simply refers to the flat boards that are installed across the joists and trusses.
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4 Fire-Resistant Roofing Materials
Posted on:
12 October 2020
If you live in a region where wildfires have been a concern and you are getting ready to install a new roof, you will want to use a fire-resistant roofing material. Fire-resistant roofing materials have been tested to withstand exposure to certain heat and fire levels without catching fire themselves. Having a fire-resistant roofing material can increase the chance that your home survives a wildfire in your area.
Asphalt Shingles
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