Jennie Arnold
Roof Overlay 101
If your old roof is aging, then you need to have it replaced before leaks and water damage occur. Unfortunately, the cost of a roof teardown and replacement is not in everyone's budget. The good news is that there are other options, like a roof overlay. This method of replacement is more cost-effective than a full teardown and replacement. The following guide can help you learn more. What is an overlay roof? [Read More]
Commercial Roof Damage and Repair
The roof of your business or building can be damaged in many ways, and the damage done can cause a plethora of other problems for your and your business. Read on to learn what kind of damage to look out for and what you should do about it. Water One of the most common ways that roofing becomes damaged is water. Roofs are meant to keep out the weather but that doesn't mean that harsh weather conditions and lots of water can't take its toll. [Read More]
Asphalt Shingles, Luxury Attributes, And More: Client FAQ's
When you reach out to a local roofing company to get an estimate for a new roof, they will propose a list of roofing materials you may be interested in or that will work well for your home. Asphalt shingles are bound to come up. Here's what you may want to know in the process. Why do so many homes have asphalt shingles? A few reasons exist for the popularity of asphalt shingles. [Read More]
Tips to Help You Plan for a Fireplace Installation in Your Home
A fireplace within your home is a great addition, which can provide ambiance, comfort, and provide you with a heating backup option if you are ever without electricity in the winter. The decision to add a fireplace will require you to consider all the options available in the market for installation and style. Here are some considerations to think about when you are planning to have a fireplace installed within your home. [Read More]
Countering The Cost Of A Full Roof Replacement
Finding out that your entire roof needs to be replaced can come as a big surprise, but it doesn't have to break the bank. If you're concerned about the cost of a full roof replacement and aren't sure how to lower it as much as possible, then consider these options. Insurance One simple way to potentially take the entire payment for a new roof off your hands is by contacting your homeowner's insurance company. [Read More]
Some Benefits Of Flat Roofs For Homes
If you are going to be having your home built, then you have a lot of decisions to make, starting with the designing of the home all the way down to the smallest details. One of the decisions you'll have to make will be to choose the type of roof you want. While flat roofs may not be the most commonly seen in residential areas, they can come with some benefits that would make them a great choice for your home. [Read More]
Roof Waterproofing Guide To Help Protect Your Roofing From Leaks That Lead To Wear And Damage
If you want to protect your roof from wear and leaks, good maintenance can help, but what you really need is roof waterproofing. These are special coatings and sealants that can be applied to various types of roofing materials. The following roof waterproofing guide will help you with these improvements to prevent leaks and wear that damage buildings: Clean and Inspect Your Roof for Problems That Need Repairs Before Waterproofing Is Applied [Read More]
Algae-Resistant Shingles Might Be The Solution For Your Shady Roof Covered In Algae Stains
If the trees in your yard have matured to the point that your roof is always in the shade, you may be having trouble with algae on your asphalt shingles. Algae causes black streaks on your roof that make your roof look unattractive and may even decrease the value of your home. Algae doesn't harm asphalt roofing, but you probably wish it was gone so your roof wasn't so ugly. When it's time for a new roof, talk to your roofer about algae-resistant shingles. [Read More]
Did The Last Storm Damage Your Roof? Things You Will Want To Look For
Storms can be brutal on residential roofs, especially when there are a lot of storms in a short amount of time. A little damage could be caused by one storm, and before it is discovered, a few more storms roll in, making the problem a lot worse. This is why it is imperative to know what the signs are that you need roofing repairs done after a severe storm hits your town. [Read More]
4 Different Types Of Commercial Roofing Solutions And Choosing The System That Is Right For Your Business
There are many options for commercial roofing materials that you can have installed on your business, and you want to choose the right solutions for your building. These can be lightweight membranes for smaller lightweight structures, asphalt, spray foam, and green roof designs. The following guide will help you understand the different options for commercial roofing and choosing the best solution for the needs of your business: 1. Commercial Green Roof Systems That Help Add Greenspace to Roofs in Urban Environments [Read More]