Jennie Arnold

  • Find Out If You Need A Roof Replacement For Your Home

    It is extremely important to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the roof of your home. Without a quality roof, your home may be subjected to water damage, mold growth, and higher heating and cooling bills. To make sure that you are able to spot the need to call for a roof replacement service, you will want to review the following information.  Your Roofline Is No Longer Straight [Read More]

  • What to Do If Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced Due to Storm Damage

    You can do everything possible to maintain your roof and keep it in good condition, but you can't control nature. Unfortunately, a very severe storm with high winds or large hail can do extensive damage to a roof. In many cases, the damage can be so widespread that repair is not possible and roof replacement will be necessary. This type of situation can be stressful, but it is important to act quickly-- you don't want to live with a severely damaged roof that needs to be replaced, as that leaves the inside of your home at risk for damage. [Read More]

  • 6 Signs You Need A New Roof

    If you are not a professional roofer, you may assume that knowing when you need a new roof is a difficult task. It's not, however. Your roof has many ways of showing that it is aging and many of them are visible to the naked eye.  1. There is gravel in your gutters.  Asphalt roofing shingles start their life out with a gravel coating. This coating is meant to protect the shingles and your roof from the elements. [Read More]

  • Beyond Shingle Replacement: Other Common Roof Repairs

    When you think of roof repairs, what comes to mind? Most people picture a roofer replacing damaged shingles or maybe applying some tar to torn shingles. Surely, this is one type of roof repair, but it is not the only type of repair that roofers make. Here are four other types of roof repairs that may be needed if you're having trouble with leaks and other damage. Sewer Vent Boots [Read More]

  • Think Your Siding May Be Sliding? 6 Questions You Need To Answer To Determine If Your Home's Exterior Is In Trouble

    Whether you've had your siding replaced in recent years and suspect improper installation or can't even remember when the siding was put up and it's just now showing possible indications of problems, it's too important to leave to chance. Your siding serves as a shield, safeguarding the structure from the elements, not to mention keeping the occupants comfortable and all their belongings intact. If you're starting to worry that something's wrong with your home's siding, ask yourself the following questions:  [Read More]

  • 3 Signs That Indicate Your Home Needs Prompt Roofing Repair

    Your asphalt roof will probably need repairs occasionally over its lifespan. By keeping up with these repairs, your roof can have a longer life, and this lets you put off the need for a roof replacement. If you're unsure if your roof needs to have work done, call a roofer to check the shingles, flashing, deck, and soffit to see if they're in good shape. Sometimes, it's easy to tell when your roof is in trouble. [Read More]

  • Commercial Roof Replacement Guide To Go From Asphalt To Efficient Cool Roof Membranes

    As the asphalt roofing of your commercial property ages, it begins to develop problems with wear and leaks. Sometimes, locating and repairing these problems can be difficult. Therefore, a new roof needs to be installed, which can be an asphalt roof replacement or other commercial roofing materials. The following commercial roof replacement guide will help walk you through replacing asphalt and installing a cool roof membrane. Tearing Up Old Asphalt Roofing—The first step in your commercial roof replacement is to tear up the old asphalt roofing. [Read More]

  • A Guide to Metal Roof Repair

    Metal roofing is one of the most durable choices for the roof of your home. If you have a metal roof, you want to be aware of potential problems and the repairs that your roof will need. Problems can be due to things like storm damage, wear, and debris. The following guide to metal roof repair will help you deal with problems on your roof to ensure roofing materials last for years. [Read More]

  • Unnoticed Leaks And Roof Repairs You Need To Do To Stop Damage To Your Home

    Sometimes, there are roof leaks that you notice and have repaired in a timely manner. There are also areas of your roof where leaks can start and go unnoticed for a long time. You want to locate these problems and have them repaired. The following information will help you find these problems that go unnoticed and repair your roof before leaks cause serious damage to your home. Shingle Wear at Eaves—The eaves of your roof can be some of the most vulnerable areas. [Read More]

  • Important Steps To Take When Getting A New Roof

    Your roof may be at a point where it's just best to replace it rather than having to keep repairing it. In this case, you're about to make a big investment. So that you don't have any regrets about your new roof, be sure to take these steps.  Choose a Roof Material Probably the most impactful factor to take into account when getting a new roof is choosing a material. It's probably safe to assume you want a different material than the one currently on your property. [Read More]